Pomegranate syrup recipe

Pomegranate syrup recipe


The syrups sold in stores are not always the "real deal".Reading the list of ingredients will convince you that doing it yourself is the best thing to do.


The syrups sold in stores are not always the "real deal".Reading the list of ingredients will convince you that doing it yourself is the best thing to do.


1 cup white sugar
2 pomegranates
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick

Open and core the pomegranates.
Crush the seeds in order to get as much juice as possible.

Filter the pomegranates juice, then pour into a heavy saucepan.
Add the lemon juice, followed by the sugar and cinnamon stick.
Heat over medium high heat until mixture boils and forms little bubbles. Remove from heat.

Filter once more and filla bottle.

Use in cocktails or over ice cream.

Keep refrigerated up to 30 days.

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