Plaintain Porridge recipe

Plaintain Porridge


A very simple dish, with plantain at its base. With a texture of pudding is great for breakfast or as a snack.


A very simple dish, with plantain at its base. With a texture of pudding is great for breakfast or as a snack.


1 plantain
1 cinnamon stick
3 cups milk
1/3 cup sugar
4 star anise


Peal and grate the plantain. Put it to boil in some water with the cinnamon stick. Once the plantain has been soften, pass it through a sieve and then one minute in the food processor at high speed.

Pour in a saucepan. Add in the milk, anise and sugar. Bring it to a simmering heat while continually stir to avoid the porridge stick to the bttom of the saucepan.

When you obtain the consistency of a pudding, remove from heat and serve.

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