Taso recipe



For Haitian, taso is mostly made with beef or goat occasionally with turkey. This version offers the distinctive and delicious flavor of the meat.


For Haitian, taso is mostly made with beef or goat occasionally with turkey. This version offers the distinctive and delicious flavor of the meat.


3 lbs. Goat meat
10 cloves of garlic
1 green onion
1 sour orange
2 cups + 2 tablespoons Vinegar
1 Lime
Salt to taste
2 cubes chicken stock
2 Habanero peppers


Soak the goat meat overnight in 2 cups of white vinegar and salt. The following day thoroughly clean the meat with lime, followed by 1 sour orange (squeeze the juice into a separate container prior to cleaning and reserve), scrub the meat vigorously. This step is important because it will help mask the heavy “goat” smell

Meanwhile, boil some water, with salt. Once the water has come to a boil (and you are done cleaning the goat), pour it over the cleaned goat meat. Allow to stand for 5 minutes. Remove the meat from the hot water and put into a deep pot. Fill with

Add in garlic cloves, bouquet garni (thyme, flat leaf parsley, green onion… all tied together), Habanero peppers, cloves, salt, the cubes of chicken stock, the sour orange juice and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Boil the meat for an hour or until it’s tender. While the meat is boiling taste the broth (it should be flavorful, slightly acidic). Once the meat is fully cooked, remove from the liquid (you can reserve some of the liquid to make a sauce).

Fry the goat meat on medium heat in some Grape Seed oil or vegetable oil. Serve hot.

Courtesy of manjemanje.com

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